Blue World and Satellite by Jo Tamar
Resin, ink, procion dye
34 cm x 34 cm
Certificate of Authenticity
Artist Statement
Jo Tamar uses a range of processes to carry out reactions and experiments which leads to the creation of her artwork. By experimenting with a diverse range of materials including paint, resin, inks and procion dye a combination of patterns and structures are formed.
The nature of the processes used makes the creation of her artwork at times unpredictable, yet the surfaces created become contained and controlled. These pieces exist as ‘Worlds’ which have patterns flowing through them, joining one space to another..
Jo Tamar’s most recently created ‘Worlds’ co-exist, connect to one another and to the living systems in our own World.Artist Bio
Jo Tamar creates artwork by experimenting with a range of processes and materials including paint, resin, ink and dye. Her love of our connection to the living world and a fascination for natural structures, systems and reactions informs her art practice.
Exploration and consideration of the fragility and non-permanent state of our living world plays an important role in the making of her artwork..
Her art practice in recent years has involved experiments which have led to the creation of ‘Worlds’ that vary in scale and medium. The ‘Worlds’ link to one another through materials and positioning and visually connect to patterns in our natural world and to its beauty.
Jo Tamar regularly documents her work, including moving paintings and experiments, on her Instagram page.